
对于一部分外国人而言,麻将已经远远超过日常休闲娱乐,甚至成为了一项竞技赛事,将麻将玩到了极致。 一大早,一则媒体消息让网友炸了锅: 据澎湃新闻消息,国际智力运动联盟主席陈泽兰在近日接受采访时表示,要把麻将和智力运动推向更高的舞台——2022年北京冬季奥运会。

First, the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Expo has been established with Mr. Wang Yang, vice premier of the State Council, as its chairman, as well as 37 units, such as Beijing City as its members. Among the members are the Ministry of Foreign...


中铁旅游 欧洲五国游 出发日期:7月31日 8月7/12日 参考价:16900元 全程安排欧洲三-四星级酒店住宿;体验意式西餐;安排塞纳河水上餐厅用餐,悠闲惬意。 前往爱琴海萨罗尼科斯湾-三小岛:埃...

As part of the summer camp, students attended presentations on Chinese calligraphy, food, tea, ceramics and porcelain, folk songs, operas and traditional holidays. On the r...

更多内容请点击:麻将可能成为冬奥会表演项目,网友:为国争光的机会来了! 推荐文章